Meet the breed
Are there Shikoku near me?
If you cannot find an event near you and are seeking an owner in your state/province to meet a Shikoku and cannot locate one on the member map, kindly contact us and we'll try to search our member database to connect you.
Member map
Our member map features volunteer ambassadors that are willing to share their knowledge and life with a Shikoku experience with folks interested in the Shikoku breed. Meeting a Shikoku before you acquire one is highly encouraged. Browse the map below to connect with an NASC ambassador near you. The map can also be used for existing Shikoku owners who want to connect with fellow owners.
Please complete this form if you'd like to be part of the map.
Events calendar
Check the calendar to see if there are local breed events near you. Breed meetup types include: social gatherings, conformation or dog sport shows, pet expos, and more!
Tip: use the drop down arrow on the top right of the calendar to filter events shown.